

The Field, The Neon Heater, August 4–18, 2016


"It follows that no landscape can be exclusively devoted to the fostering of only one identity. Our imaginative literature abounds in descriptions or utopias where everyone is civic-minded, and there are many descriptions of the delights of living in harmony with nature as certain pretechnological societies presumably did. But we sense that these visions are not true to human nature as we know it, and that these landscapes can never be realized; and that is why many of us find utopian speculations unprofitable." — J. B. Jackson

The Field
The Neon Heater
400 1/2 S Main St., Rm. 22
Findlay, OH 45840

August 4–18, 2016
Opening Reception: Thursday, August 4, 2016, 6:00–8:00pm

Matthew Gamber